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One on One E-Design Workshop

This design option is perfect for those who are seeking a bit of advice on a project, some design perspective, or who are looking to gather some ideas for one or two small spaces. 


During this hour long call, you can expect to get advice on all sorts of elements of your project, including but not limited to: 


  • Floor plan and layout suggestions

  • Furniture, lighting, and accessories recommendations

  • Construction advice

  • Material and finishes palettes

  • Stores and brand suggestions​


We will work together to curate a mood board to take away with you, as well as some floorpan sketches, so that you can be confident that you are walking away with a clear direction for your project.


To get the most out of your consultation call, we ask that you provide us with as much information as possible in advance, including any floorplans, images, or photos of the space(s) that you wish to discuss.


Should you wish to continue on and book us for further services, the cost of the call will be deducted from your design fee.


Contact us today to see if this is the right design route for you.

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